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FOR1530  > Subprojects  > SP3  

Subproject 3

Regulation of organohalide respiration in Dehalococcoides strains

Ute Lechner (University of Halle-Wittenberg)


The aim of this project is to characterize the mechanism of regulation of reductive dehalogenase (rdh) gene expression, which enables Dehalococcoides to respond specifically to diverse chloroorganic compounds and to perform multi-step dechlorination reactions. The role of MarR-type regulators and  two-component-system regulators encoded in the genome by genes divergently transcribed to rdhA genes will be investigated. The work in this project will comprise


- transcription analysis of rdhA genes in response to specific chlorinated compounds
- identification of regulators/RdHs involved in the recognition and performance of multi-step reductive dechlorination reactions
- biochemical analysis of heterologously produced regulator proteins
- interaction of regulators with promoters of rdhA genes and possible ligands


Model for the transcriptional control of rdhA gene expression by a MarR-type regulator interacting with a chlorinated compound


Selected References:


Krasper L, Lilie H, Kublik A, Adrian L, Golbik R, Lechner U.
The MarR-type regulator Rdh2R regulates rdh gene transcription in Dehalococcoides mccartyi strain CBDB1.
J Bac, 2016 Sep 12, doi: 10.1128/JB.00419-16 [Epub ahead of print]

Pöritz M, Schiffmann CL, Hause G, Heinemann U, Seifert J, Jehmlich N, von Bergen M, Nijenhuis I, Lechner U.
Dehalococcoides mccartyi strain DCMB5 Respires a Broad Spectrum of Chlorinated Aromatic Compounds.
Appl Environ Microbiol, 2014 Nov 7. pii: AEM.02597-14. [Epub ahead of print]

Wagner A., Segler L., Kleinsteuber S., Sawers G., Smidt H., Lechner U.
Regulation of reductive dehalogenase gene transcription in Dehalococcoides mccartyi
Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 2013 Mar 11;368(1616):20120317


Ute Lechner group